Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Concept of Failing Forward

I subscribe to a newsletter from a company called Behance that is geared toward the creative artistic type.   A quote from a recent article by John Caddell caught my eye, "A mistake is a collision between your perception and reality. As such, it's a terribly valuable asset."  What we percieve as failure is often the catalyst to move us into new territory.  If something doesn't work out, you are forced to consider other ideas, to come at something from a new angle.  

It is really kind of funny that I enjoy reading the articles in Behance since it is really geared for people who are completely different from me in personality.

The website tagline for Behance is "We empower creative professionals to make ideas happen."  I first stumbled upon them through the program called Action Method Online.  While it is geared to the right brain type who is not as organized, the concepts can help those of us who are more left brained to stay on top of the multiple projects, whether personal or work related, that clutter our minds and lists.  The software has a free version, that I have used in my job to collaborate and manage projects.  I also love their "Action Notebook" - high quality and nicely laid out for keeping track of projects and notes.  

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