My One Word
I remember where I was when I got my One Word. It was early January of 2016 and I was just leaving the doctor’s office on a cold winter day, and I paused just outside the door to look at a bush. There in the midst of winter was a tiny bit of green. I was reminded to slow down and admire the beauty around me. And it came to me, Serenity is my word. It defines me. It is how I live my life. And it is partly my temperament, but it’s also intentional. Like the choice that I made to stop and admire the landscape, not just hurry on to the next thing (or back to work). It’s about choosing to see and notice the beauty around you. A life lived in a rush does not leave much room for serenity. But slowing down can be hard. Stick around, see how I cultivate Serenity.
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