A new job for mom, a job hunt for dad, a relocation to a new city, a daughter who will graduate and go off to college, an empty nest for mom & dad, hopefully a new house.
One of the early challenges will be finding a new church where we can feel at home and also plug into ministry using our gifts. A church of just the right size and one that is Bible based.
I'm excited about being close to a major city and all the arts, culture and recreation available. Walking and biking along the Schuylkill. Climbing the Rocky steps on a warm day. Visiting Germantown and its historic homes. Someone suggested The Barnes House. I hope to go see the cherry blossoms in D.C., something I've always wanted to do. Go to the Smithsonian. Maybe go to NYC for a day to visit museums.
For those of you we haven't yet had a chance to connect with personally, you may wish to know more of the story ... we have been wanting to be closer to family in order to spend more time with them. As the end of one stage of life approached [kids at home], we began to explore opportunities. I found a job rather quickly at Eastern University, just 15 minutes from family. I'll be starting in January. Gen will stay in GA until she graduates mid-May. Deryck will stay until then or until he finds a job in PA, whichever comes sooner.
We are sad to be leaving AIM. It's a great ministry and our time there has been wonderful. Our boss wrote a nice tribute to us on his blog yesterday. Our lives have been enriched by our association with the great people at AIM. Deryck will continue on part time there until he makes the move.
Ringing in the New Year from Rhode Island this year ... started off with a sunset drive along the ocean, a nice dinner, a movie marathon, some games, and a midnight drive down to look at the harbor. Heading for a New Year's Day Brunch and then perhaps a walk.
Happy New Year!
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