I am thankful that I enjoy relatively good health, but these last three years it seems I've had more than my share of injuries ...
Jan 2011 - fell on the ice and broke my humerus and tore my left rotator cuff
Spring 2012 - threw out my back
Summer 2012 - injured my right shoulder
Spring 2013 - broke a rib
Summer 2013 - problems with my right knee exacerbated by my couch potato to 5k running program
Fall 2013 - pain in my right elbow
November 2013 - badly twisted my ankle while hiking and made it worse by running 2 miles a few days later
January 2014 - injured my left knee
I must be getting old! Although I try to take care of my body, it is not repaying me with kindness. Still paying some of the physical therapy bills out of my HSA. I'm thinking of joining a YMCA because I need some help getting in shape and getting stronger. I'm hopeful that if I lose some weight and get fit, I won't continue to have injuries. I enjoy my running, biking, walking, occasional sailing and paddle tennis and want to continue to enjoy them. In a good news report, one of my exercise apps reported a total of 212 miles for 2013 ... I also used a second app for running, so my total is 250 miles (and that probably does not include lots of walks where I forgot to use the apps.